Leveling Up Your Resume - Creator Dive In #4

Join us for this year’s first Creator Dive In, fourth overall, a stream where we feature creators from our community and allow them to share their knowledge and experience with everyone else! This time around we’ll be featuring Coraly Rosario, who will be talking about tips and tricks on setting up your resume properly when looking for a job in the game development industry!

Coraly’s Bio: Coraly Rosario is a senior UX designer with close to 10 years of experience working on games, apps, and web products. She's currently at Niantic LA where she is also a co-lead of Nianticos –Niantic's Latin American & Hispanic ERG– and the Vice-president of the Puerto Rican Game Developers Association (PRGDA). As a diversity, inclusion, and belonging advocate, she's actively involved in creating opportunities for underrepresented communities to find careers in the game industry.

Links to the Stream:


Legal & Business Aspects of Video Game Production


Narrative Design 101 Workshop