Narrative Design 101 Workshop

Hello everyone! A new workshop will be available to the community on May 18 at 6 PM in Atlantic University College (2nd floor of the Theatre - Amphitheater), hosted by Emanuel Garcia, Narrative Designer at Legends of Venari and Picaflor Entertainment (, PRGDA and Atlantic University College.

The workshop will focus on the fundamentals of narrative design and provide attendees with a hands-on experience designing a basic branching narrative using Twine. If you have been curious or want to start your journey in narrative design, this is the event for you!

To register for the workshop, get a ticket using the link below (registration will close on May 17 at 11:59 PM or until spaces are filled):

In addition to the workshop, you'll have time to network and speak with other local designers in the industry about their projects. We'll meet you there!

Official Workshop Description: In this workshop, we’ll focus on the fundamentals of narrative design. We’ll go over basic terminologies, software, tools, and skills used in the industry. We’ll learn to use Twine and create a basic branching narrative for your game. Lastly, we’ll discuss different references and resources that you can use for inspiration and insight.

Gabriel Casillas

Puerto Rican designer and programmer with about 10 years of experience, and co-founder of the Puerto Rican video game developer Batu Games, LLC. In addition, he has organized community events such as Global Game Jam Puerto Rico and created several industry-related podcasts and videos.

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