Game Design Best Practices - Creator Dive In

Join us for the Creator Dive In, a stream where we feature creators from our community and allow them to share their knowledge and experience with everyone else! This time around we’ll be featuring Lorenzo Irizarry AKA The_SaruKage, who will be talking about how to prepare to iterate on your game, and to avoid common “traps”, that even the most experienced game developers can fall for.

Lorenzo’s Bio: Lorenzo Irizarry is a private IT Consultant and Game Designer with a focus on production, project management, instruction, and mentoring. A true Jack of all Trades, he taps into his non-technical background in languages, education, martial arts, and more in order to drive his biggest passions: designing fun games and sharing his knowledge to empower others!

Links to the Stream:


Game Design Best Practices Part 2 - Creator Dive In
