The 6 Steps of Video Game Art Pipelines - Creator Dive In #5

Join us for our next Creator Dive In, a stream where we feature creators from our community and allow them to share their knowledge and experience with everyone else! This time around we’ll be featuring Gabriel A. Lopez Diaz, who will be talking about the steps by steps on how to set effective art pipelines!

Gabriel’s Bio: Gabriel Lopez Diaz is a freelance 3D and digital props artist who started his career as a junior environment artist, seeking to implement his creativity within the metaverse. He is also an expert in motion graphics/animation with 3 years of experience working in education, art, metaverse, and animations. “Learning new things and acquiring skills is the way I challenge myself to become better. I love meeting awesome creators and gamers, and I'm always ready to explore new opportunities and embark on exciting adventures”.

Link to the Stream:


Working with Customers - Creator Dive In #6


What the Jam!? 2023