Unity - Intro to Editor UI Scripting

Hello everyone! A new workshop will be available to the community on July 22 at 1:00 PM through Zoom, hosted by Esteban Maldonado Cabán (https://www.linkedin.com/in/emaldonadogamedev), Sr. Developer Advocate: Multiplayer Solutions, at Unity Technologies.

The workshop will focus on an overview of the Custom Editor Tools for UI inside Unity and how to use them in the development of your games.

To register for the workshop, get a ticket using the link below (registration will close on July 22 at 12:00 PM AST or until spaces are filled): https://www.eventbrite.com/e/unity-intro-to-editor-ui-scripting-workshop-by-prgda-tickets-677025069207

Official Workshop Description: In this workshop, Esteban will focus on the introduction of custom Editor tools for UI. He'll then focus on understanding these custom Editors and how they're applied to different scenarios. Finally, we'll see how these custom Editors are created within Unity. If you have a basic knowledge of C# or limited experience in creating custom tools in Unity, this workshop is for you.


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