Interview with Jonathan Martinez

We’ll be talking with Jonathan Martínez, Cofounder and Designer at 8bit Bosses Studios as well as the Chairman of the Board of the PRGDA in our videocast! We talk about his various years in the industry, what started his passion for videogames, his views on the local scene, his experience as an indie developer, and more!

Jonathan’s Bio: For the past ten years, Jonathan Martínez Vázquez, has worked as Creative Director, Lead Game Designer and Video Game Consultant on multiple projects, with a demonstrated history of working in the video game development industry in Puerto Rico. Currently, he is the Co-Founder, C.E.O and Creative Director of 8bit Bosses Studios as well as Professor of video game design at the University Inter Americana Recinto Bayamón. He also works closely with the community as president of the board for the Puerto Rico Game Developers Association (PRGDA). His work has led him to publish various games, where he has guided multiple teams, focusing on the correct mindset for how the industry works. Strong believer that video games are the ultimate Art form and they are bigger than just pure entertainment.

Links to the Interview:


Game Dev’s Hangout #6!


Writing Your Development Story - Creator Dive In #3